October & November face-to-face open meeting

UPDATE: Meeting on November 29th was moved to November 30th. Here we proceed to announce the next face-to-face meeting for Comunes projects, mainly Kune and Move Commons: An open meeting for the supporters and collaborators of Move Commons: October 25, 18:00, at Medialab-Prado (now in Matadero, space Intermediae), Madrid. An … Continued

Comunes on Wikipedia

We consider that Wikipedia entries are very important, and we have put effort for Comunes, Kune and Ourproject to be in Wikipedia. Keeping an entry on Wikipedia is complicated as it requires writing from a neutral point of view, add … Continued

Letter in these times of change

Dear friends, We are contacting you for updating you on a new way of collaborating in the growth of our community. As you know, Comunes, Ourproject, Kune y Move Commons have lived an extraordinary growth in the last times. This … Continued

Building a collective Data Centre

It is common that free/open source software collectives have issues for hosting their projects. Many of them just choose to externalize them, hosting them in foreign companies that offer such services. The ones that choose to keep their projects in … Continued

New agreements with universities

Two new universities have joined the project of Comunes: the Department of Computer Science at the American University of Science & Technology (Beirut) and the Faculty of Sociology and Political Sciences at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, through its Master … Continued