Adobe Lightroom - what is it?

Adobe Lightroom for Windows 7 offers great value for money. It brings the functionality of a good professional editing application to a 'home' format. It is very similar to Adobe Photoshop, but can be used on both the Mac and PC. It offers many great editing options, but with a price to match its quality.


This editing software does come with some great tools. It has a whole array of photo filters. The software also includes photo retouching tools, and allows you to correct your photos before sending them to the printing service. This is great for any amateur photographer that wants to improve their pictures.


There are lots of great features to this program. The first major feature is built in image stabilization. This is great if you tend to take shaky or wobbly photos. It will automatically center your shot when you adjust the focus, so that everything stays in place. This is especially useful for people that struggle with taking their photos from shaky conditions.


There are a lot of other great tools as well. You can add text to your photos. You can also add titles to your pictures, which is a great way to label the event that the picture chronicles. Other useful features include an expandable palette, and the ability to re-size your picture, to zoom in or out.


If you like to edit your photos professionally, this is a great tool for you. You can crop, rotate and zoom in on any image. You can do it without having to mess around with the software. This will allow you to make small corrections that will make a huge difference in the appearance of your photos. You can even apply different effects to the photos. This is one of the easiest ways to change your photos.


Overall, this editing suite is really good value for money. It provides a lot of features for your money. Adobe also offers technical support, so if there are any problems with your software, you will have someone available to help you. You can download this software online, or purchase it in a downloadable format. It is available to everyone in the UK but is obviously not available in the USA.


Overall, this photo-editing program is a fantastic option for all photographers, even if you already own other software packages. It provides a lot of features, which is very useful if you like editing your photos professionally. It's relatively intuitive, and is very simple to use. Although it does come with a lot of tools, it doesn't have nearly as many options as Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro, so beginners might want to stick to using these two programs.


If you are new to computer programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom, it can take a little while to get used to. However, once you have found your feet, it will be much easier to edit your images. There are only a few basic functions, but once you learn the basics, the program is fairly intuitive. If you are considering buying this program, it is highly recommended.